I really enjoy repeat clients. It gives you a chance to share their kids growth with them. You become a part of their memories. I held another session with baby Troy! This is first Christmas and he is ready and waiting to see Santa! He was so much fun with his many expressions and laughter. Thanks San for sharing these moments with me! Here are a few images of our session.
We all met at grandma's house today to celebrate my niece turning 15! Wow, where did the years go?? She's always been this semi-quiet, smiling little girl, only now a lot taller. She wasn't aware that she would take photos today, but I had to document her new year…before Sweet 16! Enjoy. Happy birthday Amber; love you lots!!!
Everyone is so excited and anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby AJ. We're talking first time grand mom, first time aunt and uncle, and first time great gran and great aunt and uncle. And most importantly, first time mommy! Baby AJ is soon to make the grandest appearance. Here are a few images from my session with Baby AJ's mommy. Enjoy!