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Get Healthy on the Railroad | Birmingham, AL

I've  been working with Railroad Park over the last few weeks documenting their "Get Healthy on the Railroad" program. Classes are held Monday through Friday at 6:00 pm with each night offering you a different style of fitness. There is also a Power Walk held the first Saturday of each month. For a complete list of classes click here.

Here are a few images from the Power Walk, Zumba, and BE FIT GROUP EXPERIENCE classes.

BTW, did I mention these classes are FREE?!?! Thank Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama for that!!

Power Walk

Power walkers are excited as they enter the final stretch.

Zumba Fitness

Zumba fitness instuctor Torrie

Zumba Instructor Jerri.

Zumbra Instructor Tiffany

Work it out ladies. 

BE FIT Group Experience

BE FIT instructor Curtis works out with his group.